Disrupting the Laundry Category...
The laundry category hasn't had a shake up since 2001 when laundry pods first appeared on the market offering consumers a more convenient way to wash. Since then, sustainability and the overuse of plastic has challenged our willingness to continue using pods... until now.
We were given the chance to build a brand from scratch based on a new laundry sheet format made without any plastic.
We created Wash With Leaf, in partnership with Studio hai, a fun, striking and slightly satirical brand that aims to make washing easy, convenient and fun. The eco credentials of Leaf are paramount but deliberately aren't at the forefront of the brand as consumers main concern still remains within its efficacy and simplicity.
Building Leaf on Amazon
Following the development of the brand, Leaf was launched on Amazon and quickly became a category leader within the eco detergent space...
Amazon has also provided powerful data and insight that have helped refine the proposition, build the brand online and learn about our customers.
Expanding into Retail
Following the growth on Amazon we managed to quickly launch Leaf on Ocado with a range of 4 SKUs with 3 additional lines that launched within 4 months.
We invested into Ocado's data platform to help build the brand and access the right customers